Mit ‘Surf’ getaggte Beiträge

Für seine neueste Ausgabe Nr. 38 der Happy ENDing Series hat das Online-SurfersMag sich wider ganz besondere Surferladies ausgesucht… Und in Schale geworfen haben auch DIE sich. Bei dem Wetter, das die dort haben, lohnt’s sich auch!

Take a more intense look @ the newest issue #38 of the Happy ENDing series issue created by the online SurfersMag.

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The young Hamburg production company Saubere Filme (Clean Films) is made up of Jan Brockman, Susan Kultau, Carmen Giesing and Benjamin Behre. This spot shows how dark urban surfing can be. The collective have been garnering attention recently for their technically and visually innovative film work. For their latest experimental film project, they filmed a surf session right in the middle of Munich, Germany. Slicing Time reveals a nighttime session on the Eisbach river. It includes some fantastic 3D edits thanks to the 38 Panasonic G3 cameras they used to create the TimeSlice effect. For the slow motion a Weiss Cam was used and all other shots where done with a Panasonic GH2.

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